Catholic University Eying SADC Networks

The Catholic University of Malawi (CUNIMA) has been geared to partner institutions of higher learning in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as it strives for quality education.

Speaking during a courtesy call meeting with CUNIMA and Prof. Marius Olivier from Northwest University in South Africa on Monday, July 29, 2024, Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Malawi, Associate Professor. Ngeyi Ruth Kanyongolo, expressed a need for the university to network with other universities across the Malawi border.

“Few weeks ago, the Catholic bishops from Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe had a meeting, and as a university, we were challenged to network just like our bishops are doing as they handle their pastoral work, so with Prof. Olivier coming to visit the university, we see a door being opened for Southern Africa because of his links as well,” said Associate Professor Kanyongolo.

She added that CUNIMA is eager to grab international collaboration opportunities in research activities and innovations.

Professor Olivier disclosed that CUNIMA has great potential for networking with other universities in Southern Africa.

During his visit, Professor Olivier, who is also an adjunct professor in the School of Law at the University of Western Australia, and the director of the Institute for Social Law and Policy (ISLP) appreciated the fast growth of the Catholic University of Malawi in terms of students’ population, number of academic programs, and geographical expansion through a presentation that was made during the meeting. 

During the courtesy call meeting, managers from the Management Resource Centre (MRC), the Directorate of Research and Publications, and the dean of the Faculty of Law at CUNIMA shared their presentations on the strategic vision and how it operates.

In August last year, the Catholic University of Malawi established a network with Mary Immaculate College (MIC) from Ireland to foster an academic relationship that benefits the two institutions in delivering quality education. 

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